Introduction to Navigation & Sorting web pages

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The Navigation & Sorting page is used to easily re-arrange the pages on your site by using a simple drag and drop interface. You can switch between viewing the public or member pages and then re-arrange them as necessary, and you can also copy pages from one membership group to another.

Please select one of the following tasks to see details instructions:

Sorting Pages within a Single Page Level

This will allow you to move pages around within a single level of the site structure. If you refer to the image on the right this means you can re-arrange the order of the pages within the blue, red and green levels but you cannot move the pages from their current level to a different level.

Click here for more information.

Moving Pages to a Different Page Level

This will allow you to move pages from one level of the site structure to another. If you refer to the image on the right this means you can move pages between the red, blue and green levels but you cannot re-arrange the order of the pages within any level.

Click here for more information.

Copying Pages to another Membership Group

This will allow you to copy pages from one site structure to another. If you refer to the image on the right you can see "Public" in the dropdown menu near the top. If you have the Customers & Members component you can create new membership groups and select them from that dropdown menu and view the site structure for that membership group.

This function will allow you to copy pages between these membership groups. For example, if you have created a new membership group called "Bronze" and you want to copy some or all of the Public pages into that membership group, this is what you should choose.

Click here for more information.


Category: Web Pages