Sorting Pages within a Single Page Level

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Re-arrange pages within a single level of the page structure.


  1. Log into Mintox and access the Web Pages component.
  2. This will load the Web Pages component, click on the "Navigation & Sorting" button.

  3. You should now be on the Navigation & Sorting page:

  4. To sort pages on your menu you will only need to use the left sitemap. First you will need to select the membership group which contains the pages you would like to re-arrange. In our example we want to sort the order of pages that are for the Silver group only, so to start off with we select "- Silver" from the left dropdown menu.

  5. This will show all the pages which are in the Silver membership group.

  6. We want to re-arrange the pages that are in the "Silver Benefits" sub-menu, so lets expand the "Silver Benefits" node by clicking this symbol.

  7. This is how the menu is currently displayed on the front-end of the website:

  8. In the "Silver Benefits" sub-menu, we want to place the "Chance to WIN $5000" at the top so it is the first link seen when a user mouses over "Silver Benefits". So first make sure "Sort" is selected.

  9. Now click and hold down the mouse button over "Chance to WIN $5000" then move it on top of "Discounts" and release the mouse button.  

  10. The "Chance to WIN $5000" menu item will now be appear first in the "Silver Benefits" sub-menu.

  11. When sorting pages with this method remember that the page you are dragging will always appear above the page that you drop it on. So to get "Chance to WIN $5000" back on the bottom you would first need to drop "Chance to WIN $5000" on "Exclusive Events".

  12. Then drop "Exclusive Events" onto "Chance to WIN $5000".

  13. "Chance to WIN $5000" will now be back on the bottom.

Category: Web Pages