The Page Title field


The Page Title, aka 'Meta Title', 'Title Tag', 'Document Title' and, perhaps most accurately, 'Title Element', appears in search engine results, browsers, and on external websites. It's your chance to define your page's content so that both search bots and people can understand it better, and whilst it's optional, it's highly recommended that you populate it.

For users of any of these components (primarily)

  • Web Pages
  • News
  • Item Catalogue
  • Products

Title Tag in Mintox

This month we've introduced a handy character counter for the Title element. It offers a guideline to help you get the right length for your page's title that's more search engine friendly (to avoid This is my Page About...) however it is only a guideline.

Whenever you're editing a page, for example in Web Pages, or a product or item in Products / Item Catalogue, ensure that where possible, you populate the Page Title field (usually found right after the item's Name, except in News where you should check the 'Metadata' tab).

Here is a useful overview of the Title element as well as some more tips on best practice for how to populate it: Title Tag by Moz (off site)

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Category: Features