Placeholders are customisable regions of dynamic content that can be added to a web page or panel using the WYSIWYG editor to show data or content from another Mintox component. Some components have several placeholders that can be used to display data in set layouts and provide standardised data manipulation against a set of predefined variables.
Placeholders inherit the membership permission on the web page they are placed on. Placeholders are only available when you have access to a licensed Mintox Component. The placeholder icon can be found in the WYSIWYG editor in the toolbar.

Popular uses of placeholders include (but not limited to) the following:
- Add latest new articles to a page.
- Add a photo gallery to a page.
- Add a single product for purchase onto a page.
- Add company data to a page.
- Add a product list to a page.
- Add a calendar to a page.
- Add a private, members only download area.
Below we have listed a Placeholder Index for each component.